Timing Equipment:

Can be bought together or separately:

Jaguar Timing System (or antennas separately):  $200-45 day return policy with contract

RM Timing System (with mats and 8 Impinj antennas):  $1200-60 day return policy with contract-money can be placed in escrow if necessary; antennas and mats can be purchased separately

Time Machine-$175

Nelson-Kellerman Timing System-$150

6 digit single sided LED Clock-$850

Overhead Arch-$675

Flags, posts, stanchions, cones, and other miscellaneous items used for finish line set up:  $475

All items can be purchased for:  $3275

All items can be purchased with cash-$2000-by 7/19/2024

Reach out to Louis at chasingthestandard@gmail.com