A group of men running on a track

Vince Ciattei Chases World Championships Berth: An Interview

Vince Ciattei heads into US Championships/World Championship Trials seeded seventh in a very strong 1500 meter field. Ciattei ran at the U.S. Olympic Trials last June and made the finals.  While he finished tenth overall, it was a tight pack with 150 meters to go.  Ciattei was only one of seven U.S. men last year heading into the trials with an Olympic Standard.  This year, he is just .07 seconds off the World Championships Standard.  In order to make the U.S. team, Ciattei has to finish both top three and hit the World Standard of 3:35.00.

Ciattei felt some disappointment after last year’s race, but he ran very well to finish 2021.  He started this year very strongly, running an indoor 3:54 mile.  He has also run 3:36 and 3:35 in the 1500 thus far this outdoor season.  Below, Ciattei talks about overcoming last year’s close championship race and how he looks to perform at this year’s trials.

Chasing The Standard:  After last year’s 1500 final in Eugene, you seemed a little disappointed with the result.  After the trials, though, you went on a tear.  How did you readjust the rest of your season and keep your focus after the Trials?                                                                 
Vince Ciattei:  I was definitely disappointed, and was also a little banged up at the trials. Taking a few days off running after the meet to heal physically also helped me reset mentally, and the rest of the summer I tried to have some more fun in addition to competing hard. 
CTS:  How has your training been the past few months?  Have you made any changes from last year?                                                                                                                                     
VC:  My training has been going well. This year I wanted to race more over the course of the season, as last year I felt under-raced before the trials. Some have been good, some have been bad, but overall I feel more prepared having raced and sharpened up more than last year. 
CTS:  You had a big mile indoors and you ran very fast at Pre, barely missing the World Standard.  What did you think about those races, and how do those performances set you up for US Champs?                                                                                                                    
VC:  The mile indoors was a nice indicator to show what I could run with basically no track work, and it was a benchmark that I knew I could improve on. Pre was about 80 meters away from a perfect race, I would’ve loved to get the standard but it was still important to have a good race after two bad ones earlier in May.
CTS:  Following last year’s race, you said you let the moment get to you.  What did you learn from last year’s experience at the trials and competition in general?                                 
VC:  I learned that I needed to have more composure and confidence in myself. I still haven’t executed that particularly well in some races this year, but I’ve had a year to improve at USAs this time.
CTS:  You are currently seeded seventh in a very competitive field heading into Championships.  What is your approach as you toe the line?                                                    
VC:  I’m seeded seventh, but I’ve run the third fastest 1500 in the field this season. In the only race I didn’t have the worry about the standard this year, I won (USA road mile). I like championship racing, and that’s what this will be. I’m excited to try to make the team for a world championship right here in Eugene. 

2022 Pre Classic Results


US Championships Entries


2020 (2021) U.S. 1500 Meter Trials

2020 (2021) Post Race Interview with Ciattei

Time Capsule 
