A painting of an old man with a beard and hat.

Nostradamus’ 9 predictions for 2021

Guest writer Nostradamus has some predictions for the new year.  His lawyers say this is purely speculative and no one should make plans based on this, though Nostradamus maintains he is 100% correct.

1.  There will be no in person learning at MD schools through June 2021.

2.  There will be no official athletic competition for MD high schools through June 2021.

3.  Olympic Trials happen with no in person attendance
4.  Olympics happen with minimal attendance
5. The 1st quarter of the 21-22 school year will be virtual, the second quarter will be hybrid, and a full return begins 2022.
6.  There will be a shortened, non-championship (county only) season for fall sports; however, no football as that will be moved to spring 2022.
7.  There will be a shortened, non-championship season for select winter 21/22 sports, venue pending, and only those vaccinated will participate.
8.  There will be no large races for all of 2021 (Baltimore 10 miler, Cherry Blossom, BWC, Frederick, New York, Philly, Baltimore Marathon, etc…)
9.  The first “official” race of 2021 in MD will be in April 2021.