A wooden post with the initials xc and 1 m on it.

Bull Run Course Preview

Course Elevation

Mile 1:  15 feet of total elevation gained

Mile 2:  30 feet of total elevation gained

Mile 3:  -43 feet of elevation gained

Total Elevation on Course:  307 Feet

Course Map

This map is not perfect-particularly for the second mile.  The map itself follows the course, but approaching the 2 mile, around 1.8, it is hard to follow the course.  Thus, the zig zags at mile 2 are to reset to 2.0.


An approach on how to run the course

Bull Run is certainly a challenging course, and the fastest way to the finish line is obviously the best way; yet, this is potentially an optimal way to run the course.

In order of most challenging miles, it is 2nd, 1st, then 3rd.  In terms of slowest to fastest miles, it is also, 2nd, 1st, then 3rd.  Believe it or not, your 3rd mile should be your fastest mile, and that could be anywhere from a couple seconds or even up to 30 seconds faster than your first mile (personal data points of running the course recently were: 8:30/8:52/8:00; 8:06, 9:01, 8:05; 8:08, 8:53, 8:03; 7:57, 8:32, 7:30).

1st Mile

In the first mile, you should be assertive in your start but settle in and try to find a rhythm (on a course which has no rhythm).  There are 4 hills in the first mile:  by the baseball field about 200 meters into the race, one behind the start which is about 1k into the race, one at the 3/4 mile mark, and one going into the mile.  The first mile is tough; it is challenging terrain with lots of jostling and positioning in the first half mile. If your first mile is typically 6:00 in a race, you probably want to make your first mile 6:15-6:20.

2nd Mile

The second mile contains the infamous dip.  You get a large decline into it, then you go straight up.  As you crest the dip, you descend ever so slightly, but the hill keeps going.  Arguably the dip is a double dip.  As you enter the soccer field, that is 1.5 miles.  As you exit the soccer field, that is 1.75 and you go up again on a mulch hill.  You just need to have a powerful choppy stride to push through here.  This is the hardest part of the course.  You go up another short hill but steep hill to get to the 2 mile mark.

This mile is where you need to be really tough and focused.  You can pick off a lot of people who didn’t read this preview.  If your first mile was 6:15, expect your 2 mile to be around 13:00.

3rd Mile

At this point on the course, it is technically a net downhill to the finish line.  When you get to the 2.25, it is set of rolling hills, which is where you can extend you stride, in part because you just came off a cambered hill.  But you can also catch some peeps along here.  As you turn right to descend the dip, watch out for a muddy spot where people slip or lose their balance.  When you get to the bottom, you can see up the hill, but ascending this side of the dip is not as challenging as going up the first time.  You need a choppy, consistent stride and drive but you’ll have the crowd on the way up this time.  The 2.5 is just as you start the climb up the dip.  You have 1/3 of a mile remaining as you complete the S turn and the baseball dugout is in your sight.  The last hill you run is the same hill you ran at the start of the race.

1/4 Mile Markers

1/4 Mile Mark

1/2 Mile

3/4 Mile (going up hill returning to baseball field

1 mile

1 1/4

1 1/2


1 3/4 (leaving soccer field)

2 Mile Mark (Entering the soccer field)

2 1/4 (section below soccer field; turning left takes you to dip)

2 1/2 (going up dip)

2 3/4 (near baseball field/dugout; following route from start of race)

3 Mile/Finish

Drone Shot

Full Course Preview

2022 Bull Run

2021 Bull Run

All Videos from 2022 MPSSAA XC Championships
