A close up of the maryland flag on a violin.

Indoor Track and Field Update-no meets at PG this 2022 season

Update 12/28/21-So after all the updates and hope, it is now unfortunately official.  No indoor track at PG this year.  However, the MPSSAA still plans to have an indoor championship meet.  

Some options (personal thoughts-nothing official here):

Venues are limited.  In state, possible options include the Baltimore Armory, UMES, and Hagerstown (Navy has an indoor track, but very unlikely they would even consider hosting). Out of state, George Mason could be an option, but the logistics are probably impossible.  But it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Chasing the Standard’s Option 1:  State Meet at the Armory.  Yes, we can complain it’s not a great venue, but whatever.  Currently the state meet is slotted for Feb 21/22.  Amend the schedule to

1A-Saturday Feb 18

2A-Monday, Feb 21

3A Tuesday Feb 22

4A Wednesday Feb 23

For regionals, Hagerstown can host 1A regionals the week of Jan 31, and they can host 2A regionals the week of Feb 7.  The Armory can host 3A regionals the week of Jan 31, and 4A regionals can be contested during the week of Feb 7.  That leaves one week open for scheduling conflicts.

Or realistically, the 1A regions can probably be combined with another region.

County meets may also need to happen, so that could factor into scheduling, but if you combine regional meets, it makes it a little easier.

Option 2-1A and 2A state meets are at Hagerstown.  3A and 4A state meets are at the Armory.

Option 3-Hagerstown hosts the state meet for all classifications, but they may be hesitant to do so.

Option 4-Host the meet outdoors if 1-3 don’t work.

Update 12/24/21-All PVA and Youth/All-comers meets have been cancelled at PG this indoor season (all meets scheduled through March).  PG also cancelled all HS meets through December 31.  At this point, it seems very likely there will be no meets at PG this season.  

The best option at this point is to have the state meet at the armory, though that is nothing near official.  


Update 12/7/21-Who knows what is going on.  600 athletes and 600 spectators are allowed per meet still.  However, PG is struggling to implement the logistics set forth by the county.  Athletes and spectators are not allowed to intermingle during the meet, which is difficult because of bathrooms and concessions.  Even if one side was exclusively for spectators or athletes, you still can’t use the bathrooms because how would you keep athletes and fans separated.  With these restrictions, there is talk of the first meet not being until January.  At this point, it may be safe to assume (what happens when you assume) there will not actually be track at PG.

Option 1-Don’t allow spectators.  Now, this will hurt the bottom line because $5×600=3k.  On the flip side, you can now have 1200 athletes, typical of a standard, large meet.  PG has a slush fund, so they can probably handle this season anyway in terms of money.  This still allows for regular competition and a county championship schedule.

Option 2-Eliminate regionals and spread the state championship over 8 days at PG.  1A Boys, 1A Girls, 2A Boys, etc…Take the top 24 and just run.

Option 3-Time Machine.  Host the state championship at the Armory.  No need for regionals, and separate the meet by classification, so the meet takes place over 4 days.


Update 12/1/21-PG will begin hosting meets starting December 15th.  Meets will be limited to 600 athletes per event.  In terms of regionals and states, no word on that.  Presumably that will be revisited in mid to late January.

If you are looking for meets, they will be added here


or here


P.S. 12/1/21 is a palindrome date.


Update 11/6/21:  The first meet at PG will be no earlier than December 13.  There is a December 1st deadline to decide if there will be indoor this season at PG.  December 13 assumes there will be indoor track, and that interim period is for clearing out the field house.

At this time, Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex and the Baltimore Armory are being used as mass vaccination sites.  Neither facility has a timetable for when their venues will be available.  CCBC will not be hosting track meets this year.  Based on this, it seems to be in one’s best interest to make contingency plans for this season.

Other track venues within drivable distances are:

Hagerstown (no long or triple jump pits)

Dickinson (not hosting meets this season)


Virginia Beach

Christopher Newport

Ocean Breeze

New York Armory

Penn State

Liberty U

Spire Institute (Ohio)